We presently live in an era where everyone pretty much adheres to a self-inflicted notion of positive free will. This only means that he is willing to make himself party to a social contract provided he exercises his free will positively. This is as opposed to negative application of free will. What is positive and what is negative will always be defined by the zeitgeist of the present civilization he inhabits. Our contemporary one is, by a vast majority, leaning towards profit of the capital economy. The trickle down apparatus which has bottlenecks at nefarious points. This apparatus is chugging along with an ever changing rocky planet who is balding at the poles.
Nothing is constant, everything...
Theological doctrines bring about the conundrum of a deity with before-hand knowledge of the person's impending choice and action, utilizing his free will. Some ideologies walk out of this impasse by proclaiming that divine and earthly knowledge are incomparable. Omniscience takes over. It is presumed that human minds will never be able to grasp what this 'Godly knowledge' entails. It can never be expressed in human languages or thoughts.
The solution is found by breaking apart the concept of human time. God is able to experience every moment at the same time. He is in the Eternal Now.
My view is that since it is already considered that God's knowledge can never be expressed through human languages, this also applies to his attributes and descriptions. God can never reside in a word, only thoughts.
Nothing is constant, everything...
Theological doctrines bring about the conundrum of a deity with before-hand knowledge of the person's impending choice and action, utilizing his free will. Some ideologies walk out of this impasse by proclaiming that divine and earthly knowledge are incomparable. Omniscience takes over. It is presumed that human minds will never be able to grasp what this 'Godly knowledge' entails. It can never be expressed in human languages or thoughts.
The solution is found by breaking apart the concept of human time. God is able to experience every moment at the same time. He is in the Eternal Now.
My view is that since it is already considered that God's knowledge can never be expressed through human languages, this also applies to his attributes and descriptions. God can never reside in a word, only thoughts.
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