

God, the omniscient being. He created the universe and everything in it and sadly his pastime is scrutinizing everyday misdeeds and workings of the non-sensical creatures inhabiting earth known as Homosapiens.

Is everyone pretending to believe in all these religious stories? Am I missing some huge part of this puzzle? But how can normal human beings who go through life understanding that miracles do not happen on a daily basis actually give into all the religious hallaa-balloo. This one thing keeps nagging though, its majority of the human race that give in to this. Ready to accept someone as their master and of course theres the middlemen who are 'the enlightened ones', they stand between the puny mortal and his 'savior'.

The Reverands, the Bishops, the Chaplains, the temple-priest. Apparantly the almighty God does not listen to the ordinary earthling, he needs all the prayers and thanksgiving to be channeled through 'holy people'?? Considering the number of churches and 'holy people' spread out throughout this world together with the frenzied media its kind of surprising that one doesnt get to hear about any individual who has the same qualities as our dear, departed Mother Teresa.

Religion appears to be an extension of the familial architecture. Just another exclusive group that these social creatures want to be a part of. A group of humans led by clueless patriarchs, coupled with primitive rituals.

'Religion is the opiate of the masses' -Karl Marx


The New World disOrder

The death-knell sounds for the modern civilization. This is probably the worst crisis that humanity has faced during my lifetime and will be a life-altering one at that. I'm not making this stuff up, rather its the conclusion of the best and most widely-respected scientific minds from all around the globe.

It is estimated that the world may have enough oil to year 2030 at current consumption, and enough natural gas to year 2060 if all known reserves were recoverable. Life will not continue as is until every last drop is gone. There continues to be small amounts of oil suspected as reserves around the world, but not in the quantities that will alter the clear shortages and competition for it. It is very unlikely that a child born after 2005 will ever need a driver license, and it is very likely that before 2020 most people around the world will be living without the benefits of oil and will lose the use of natural gas at the same time.

It is likely that a World War (the energy war) has started, and as limited oil reserves are depleted aggression will escalate. The worlds' remaining known approximate oil reserves 2004-2005: Saudi Arabia 24%, Iraq 10%, Iran 10%, Kuwait 9%, United Arab Emirates 9%, Russia 9%, Venezuela 8%, Mexico 5%, United States 5% (not counting oil shale), Nigeria 2%, Libya 2%, China 2%, Kazakhstan 2%, Algeria 1.5%, Canada .5% (not counting tar/oil sands), Norway .5%, Indonesia, .5%. All percentages are rounded and approximated. Oil from tar sands and oil shale are not included because the high amount of energy inputs, water consumption, and waste production will likely hinder these sources of oil from being anything more than limited supplies. The nations most near and friendly to us, Mexico and Canada, have very limited reserves and are rapidly being depleted as we are. The remaining oil reserves are in nations in less friendly regions and the oil is in areas more difficult to extract. Although we hear about "discoveries," our future oil security is seriously at risk.

Because private companies and nations have over-estimated oil reserves it is difficult to be exact but these estimates of world oil reserves are close and further research will reflect this. Also, rapid exploitation may have damaged many reserves' wells and will limit production. It may be that we (the world) have much less than is believed! The United States past its "peak oil" point back in the early 1970's ( for further research refer to Peak Oil Crisis Books) and now imports about two-thirds (2/3) of its oil. The U.S. economy and the current American way of life is supported by energy from other nations. Those nations that have not already past peak oil (maximum production) are very near it. In the future, production will decrease while at the same time demand increases. The spread between supply and demand will cause higher prices (for all products), and international tensions leading to violence.

In the near future products made from oil (plastics and petrochemicals) will become very expensive. Also, everything is transported by oil (gas/diesel) and will go up in price because of the increase in shipping costs.

Many of the Western homes are heated by heating oil and natural gas. Most electricity is produced from natural gas (propane is liquefied natural gas or LNG) or coal which requires oil (gasoline and diesel fuel) for mining and shipping. Fertilizers and pesticides require oil and/or natural gas for manufacture. Giant agricultural corporations can not feed the world without tractors, fertilizers and pesticides. Industries will not be able to produce our consumer products without oil.

Nations will begin fighting (have begun fighting) for oil and natural gas to save their economies. As people are unable to pay higher prices for manufactured products, employers will begin layoffs and unemployment will increase. The unemployed will not be able to buy, and businesses will close creating more layoffs and homelessness. Protests, riots, and crime will increase and the response will be martial law, a police state, and government seizure of weapons, foods, and medicines for emergency relief and control could happen. All of the efforts to control and protect remaining resources will ultimately fail. This spiral of war, failing businesses, and social decay will get worse in all nations as oil and natural gas resources are depleted.

Because of easy access to fossil fuel energy there is significantly more population than can survive without it. Failing to decrease the increasing population, have we come to the point were we must increase the decreasing population? It is possible that the use of virus, or bacteria to significantly reduce populations will be considered.[read more]

More articles on the impending doom.

2. Analyst fears global oil crisis in three years(written in 2005, predictions coming true)


Manga Jesus

Yes, Jesus!...Hes the poster-boy of the Holy Bible. This is the 21st century and people are losing hope in their religion. Hence new methods to revive interest. This is a picture from a new cutting-edge Manga comic representation of the stories from the Bible.
Remember the ever-vengeful God of the Old Testament? The one who will strike you down with lightning or turn you into a pillar of salt or send army of locust to torment etc, even if you look at him wrong....This Loving-Vengeful God has always been a confused leader to me....All through the Old Testament you'll find the Biblical authors going on n' on about how angry the God was and yet 'Anger' is one of the seven deadly sins....The punishment for this sin in Hell is 'dismemberment while still alive'...I wonder how this works for universal-immortal beings.



After days & months of bad case of Writers Bloc heres the latest post....reason for this revived interest in blogging is partly due to the fact that a druggie-philosopher uses the link to this blog as his nick in googletalk...Ok, thats enough of introductions...You know, i was going through the earlier posts with the Bihari being dragged behind by the police on a motorbike and thinking to self that those were the good 'ol days when everything was so simple.
Seriously what the hell is going on nowadays, case and point#1:A love-triangle in Mumbai resulting in the murder and then cutting up his body into 300 odd pieces, filling it into two gunny bags and then setting it on fire...case and point#2:A 14 yr old schoolgirl murdered by her own father because he found her inside her room with the servant-man in objectionable positions, the father himself had an existing affair and the daughter&servant had gotten close because they knew about it n' used to talk about it(this is the motive for the murder as of the time this post is being published). This is like as screwed-up & convoluted as it can get.I guess we're headfirst into Urban Chaos.
As soon as you turn on the tv, you're hit with fancy graphics and whatnots and the never-ending speculations on both the murders by the frenzied news organizations. From morning till night its murder.....death....kill...Who killed Aarushi?...Gruesome Neeraj murder...Aarushi!!....Neeraj!!....Mariya!!...Lt.Jerome!!...The Talwars!! (Now thats bound to bring some webtraffic this way)

Here on the right is an example of the graphics employed to drive the point home, now isnt this some sort of a crime in itself, to start pointing fingers way before the trial is set to begin. The cops who investigated the murder first claimed that the servant, Hemraj was the prime-suspect but they had to eat their words when hours later his dead-body was found on the terrace.

The Neeraj Grover murder suspects have been lucky thus far, they've had everything from scarves to bedsheets to cover their faces in front of the cameras.

Both of these have been mighty bloody affairs involving stabs, slitting of throat, banging head on wall( :shudder: )

Oh and the Orkut angle??......tons of people srapping their hearts out on the dead profile pages: Neeraj ||| Aarushi

And then theres the public opinion...i landed on some blogspot(don've link) where the author encourages his readers to think up ways to punish the murderers. I say lets bundle up the Mariyas and Jeromes and Talwars and take them to The Rider!.....yes thats right, the Bihari cop on the bike, i promise you he'll think of more ways to punish all the guilty in this world and you can have more blood & gore & death as much as you like and if you're very lucky, you'll get to ride pillion with him...........
.............right into the sunset............ride away........
.............away from all the sinners of the world............
unless of course he decides to drag the 'sinners' behind the bike again.

Peace be to the Dead and the Alive.


Hell P.O.

The cover of Discover magazine, August 2002, asks the question — "What's Really at the Center of the Earth?".

"There is a lake of fire — with millions of people burning, weeping, screaming, wailing, gnashing of teeth".

The following article appeared in the well respected Finland newspaper, Ammenusastia

"As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr. Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!"

Dr. Azzacove continued, ". . .the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."

"We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment."

"But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!"

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