
Incredulous India

While wandering the interwebs on a holiday, I chanced upon a NRI white-collar memoir whose author decided to leave India after he had returned Swades-ishtyle akin to the NASA engineer of said filmy representation. As time goes by realization dawns up on him that the  metamorphosis happening to him isn't what was bargained for.

When you do move into the 2nd most populous country in the world, of course it rubs off on you, some unwelcome traits and hopefully some pleasant ones. The present selfish conditioning meted out to citizens invariably skews balance in favour of generating more unwelcome traits than its counterpart though.With 70% of its population spread out in rural centres, the author of that unfortunate memoir hasn't even come in contact with majority of India. Selfishness is so ingrained in behavioural memes, it is up for inspection in the corruption practiced in beaurocratic processes that remain as limp placeholders of our former British Raj.

The much touted India who is bathed in diversity, has survived in its unitary form through some freak of nature. Impending splits are evident when you consider rebels are making a stand in North-East India, political heavyweight of a Southern state deciding to free himself from central governance or the situation where two factions of a large state are fighting over Hyderabad, which just happens to be an economic powerhouse(goose laying the golden egg et al).

Hell visited Earth as the Partition that was carried out in nascent India which began as fore-play before Imperial British withdrawal. The founding fathers had a vision of United India in order to spread universal brotherhood but somewhere along the way our nation started to 'belong' to certain sections of our vastly diverse population. This notion of 'My India' or popularly 'Incredible India', is just a conditioning tool employed by politicians holding power to juice out every penny available through tax and other benefits of office. I bet this notion is lost out on thousands of under-trials languishing for decades in prisons, along the length and breadth of their India, awaiting justice.


New Skyfall Promo feat. Adele + Piano & Violin cover

New teaser is out for Skyfall featuring Adele's song and Bond jumping into the train while fixing his cufflinks like a boss.

So many people have already remixed and covered this song but the following one has been done without vocals and the violin more than makes up for it methinks. 

Suppose I've got to start rummaging through YouTube for piano tutorials on this one.



Nope, not the grinding that you find amongst supposed dancers in night clubs that are a testimony of human progress. We're talking about the daily drudge, or means of subsistence. Seven million humans inhabit the 3rd rock from the Sun. Such a vast number implies the wide variety of individuals present at one time on a floating rock in space. Astronomical numbers such as this are meaningless though when every born individual is put into a quotidian box and mentally conditioned from an impressionable age . The architects of human civilization are terrifyingly oblivious of existent immense variation in individual traits. An appropriate analogy would be considering a scenario in which different animals with varying skills are all evaluated on their ability to fulfil a predetermined common task. The task in question has been determined in advance and all the following generations are expected to fulfil the task no matter what changes may occur in environmental parameters and also being inconsiderate of intrinsic conditions prevailing in an individual.

Freedom is an imaginary concept that's dangled in front of a subjugated population much like a carrot in front of a donkey, sustaining motion in a fractured turning wheel. When you consider the fact that there are legal consequences to every one of your actions, life is moving forward under a police baton that works on arbitrary principles on it's own. It does not matter how much so ever progress that can be attained. All of it is rendered absolutely useless when accomplished under an atmosphere of police enforcement. Civilization in it's true and productive nature can only flourish when individual units of a population absorb and acknowledge impacts of their actions surrendering  themselves entirely, completely and utterly to free will. The present porpaganda of free will as well as freedom which is publicized by your Government, or the Church is a fallacy. They desire nothing less than complete and thorough obedience.

Evidences of polity and clergy dealing with dissent can be found strewn about every corner and turn in history. The present uprising in North-Eastern states of India is an example of this. Spiritual thought imprinters or conditioners used to latch on to the general psyche of a population but now have their work reduced with officers in general polity gradually but definitely garnering a similar clout of power. The present economic foundation of our civilization sustains itself on exploitation of one section of the human population by another.

What we should aim for is absolute freedom.

Freedom from conditioning.
Freedom from religion.
Freedom from subjugation.
And unconditional freedom from this infinite drudge of cosmic ignorance.


Skyfall theme by Adele

Here's something new.

The Skyfall Bond theme is out on the interwebs. Usually introduced at the start of the movie, it's an useful marketing tool that can stand alone by itself.

Especially if it's sung by Adele.



Previous post was on the frailty of human existence on a floating planet and questions were raised on the purpose of the veil of civility exhibited. No sooner was this published and lo behold, we have murders happening all around the globe due to really bad movie-making. The author himself was unfortunate enough to watch a teaser for this controversial film titled, 'Innocence of Muslims'.

There are such a vast number of us on this planet right now, that the amount of ideas are beyond comprehension. One man's idea is another man's blasphemy. What we have with 'Innocence of Muslims' is awful film-making coupled with self-serving ideas that do not hold true at any level. The director, an Egyptian immigrant in America, Nakoula B. swindled the whole crew into making the film. Any idiot can see that he had the lines dubbed over in post-production. The muslim community on the other hand was waiting for just about any kind of teeny-tiny provocation to go on a rampage. Almost all of them haven't even seen the film because it is blasphemous to watch it too. The vicious cycle is self-propagating mainly due to a muslim community who want to stamp their self-worth on the world by creating havoc and murdering innocent humans elsewhere.

US Consulate Compound in Benghazi, Libya

Lets get real about this. Religion is just a tool used to master control over huge populations. On top of this, now humanity's only aim appears to be self-reproduction over and over again. When you make copies of so many people it is only a matter of time when ideas in one part of the globe will be considered barbaric in another part. Pacifists will not survive in this dog-eat-dog world, not by a long shot. Just the other day, I was jolted into reality when during a seminar, the host vehemently proclaimed that Gandhi's principle of non-violence does not hold in our modern world. We are back to an eye for an eye.

All hail progress.



Hello Universe.

I am You.

Talking to You.

Its kind of common knowledge now that cogitant human beings are nothing but the universe becoming aware of itself, which of course makes our dear universe to be inflicted with the ultimate case of multiple personality disorder. As Chuck Palahniuk pointed out in Fight Club, "We are all part of the same compost heap".

The reason I'm talking to you, Universe, is because my soul is in torment nowadays. The recurring nightmares were normally about teeth falling out but now it's been replaced by an orbitally challenged Earth falling into Sol. Googling did allay most of the fear but still reached a dead end concerning the rising temperature of the Sun's core. Our existence depends so much on chance and we take it all for granted. Noone has a bloody clue what we're doing here, yet plenty pretend to have all the answers when its plainly clear they're just making it all up. I mean, we're putting up this cracked facade of civility.

We are monkeys, helplessly clinging onto a rock floating spirally through space, but the pinkie should always be pointed up while having your cup o' tea.

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