
The Wrath of Urumban

There had been rumours that our wonderful Kerala Police was mulling taking action against Arundhati Roy for articulately debating Gandhi might be a national hero who was constructed entirely for the purpose of propaganda, and that there might be more deserving heroes whose names should be used for christening universities, or roads in India.

Something else that's interesting to read are the derogatory and inarticulate comments that have been posted in response to this speech.

The patriotic bots are plenty, and they're as loud as they're brash, although it is satisfying to watch them trip over themselves in their attempt to conjure incoherent statements filled with platitudes & venom simultaneously, seeded by a misplaced, and ultimately manufactured nationalism.



The many hours offered as sacrifice to a varying array of polished and edited pictorials sent live right to my living room has only succeeded to point out just how many of our 'leaders' have achieved subliminal levels of propaganda, furthering their agenda of nepotism, and infinite growth.

DMK symbol used for their electoral purposes is the sun and the sun's rays predominantly, peeking from atop, or betwixt two hills, akin to the radiance of a poisonous lover stealing a glance, who's sure to suck the life out of you.

IF you go down the rabbit hole, the connect is directly familial. Sun Group connects to Kalanithi Maran-> Kalanithi Maran connects to Murasoli Maran-> Murasoli Maran connects to Karunanidhi, the DMK leader.

Lets have a look at the Sun TV logo.

Our ubiquitous sun has manifested in myriad forms, keeping an eye on your mind, even when you aren't aware of it. Orwell's dystopian Big Brother, albeit this one only embarks on a one-way transmission, which is of course the first step towards direct control of thoughts applied to a willingly subjected citizen. The success of these south indian satelite propaganda is at the frontlines of human thought control experiments.

The AIADMK election symbol.
 Jayalalitha's dictatorial party which entirely deifies their one true leader/god, Amma. That label inadvertently treads on marketing rights of another manufactured deity for satiating spiritual needs of another majority of willingly subjected quota of citizens in Kerala, which is a matter for another post, albiet the same subliminal messaging has been employed by them also.

Public deification followed by mass propaganda is how empires are forged in the modern world of visual communication. Public relation executives have taken on the role of generals, and victory is achieved through utter and complete manipulation of minds through subliminal messaging, replacing physical coercion as in the case of conquests of yore.


Written in stone

The author was born into world where inhabitants had already been tutored on civility. Lines had blurred between manufactured civility and naturally occuring primal instincts of human beings. As with any concoction that has been created ad-hoc, there was something off about this circus but it could not be derived without investigation.

There is a reason that religions exist, their canonical texts, and for theatrical representations of triumph of good over evil, again and again and again. Humans are being taught to behave in a way opposing to their instincts. The truth is that humans, much like any apex predator, has a pre-disposition towards violence and nepostism. When you bring in the aspect of intelligence and memory it gives rise to pure, unadulterated evil. Satan does not exist. It is a manifestation of man's capability for evil. One can only imagine the atrocities that were commonplace before religious canons were put in place.

Most of the christian commandments are directed towards respecting a totem, or God. At first glance it might appear to be imperialism but it might be that our forefathers figured out that the only way naturally violent humans can be made civilised is through fear of damnation by a powerful being. Which begins the phase of altruism through fear, and not choice.   



What we have happening on our planet, or at least what is being accomplished by the 'civilization' is an ordering and structuring of a chaotic system. Life was expressing itself through abundantly dispersed species and one of those became self-aware, hoisting itself above all others. This apex species still couldn't comprehend one important constituent of existence : time.

There have been debates on the non-existence of time itself. But it's safe to assume that it indeed exists since every 10 years down the line you look into the mirror, you find a stranger looking back at you. A stranger that was not existing at the beginning of the decade. All the cells in your body gets replaced and only the idea of the individual survives time, while physically you cease to exist. Now, how does an apex species, having conquered space (Earth's surface space), get to conquer time. The truth is it can't!

In order to accomplish this the self-aware life begins to plot and lie and fictionalize existence just to make itself divinely pre-ordained. A 4.5 billion year old planet is given a new birthday, manufactured down to 4000 years in the past just to create history on a strong foundation of falsehood. This inability to encapsulate 4.5 billion years, or 14 billion years in the case of the entire universe, shows the frailty of early human brains. This is the time before knowledge was widespread and self-appointed leaders were creating rules for humanity to suit their individual selfish needs. When they created a fictionalized encapsulation of time & history, it was done to further individual selfish needs of land acquisition and to keep the slaves in check.

Be peaceful and satisfied with your existence on Earth, for you will be served well in heaven.


Comfortable Liar

Well...there seems to be a reason for the existence of religious canon, for there to be handbooks detailing moral codes. Apparently, contrary to wishful belief, human beings are aggressive by nature and gravitate towards evil more than good. Or maybe it is that the majority of the population have a tendency for this. In order  to build a civilization which is on average altruistic even though there may exist negative agents, codes are artificially spread through the prevalent zeitgeist. Religious beliefs serve the function of this meme.

Selfish reproduction and altruism do not go hand in hand at first glance but it is more beneficial to be co-operative, or to make those hominids surrounding you in your neighbourhood, to have the same outlook of altruism for increased probability of your survival along with your children. The religious texts are lies that are taught to each of these hominids so that over time these lies become truths. A sure-shot way to convert these aggressive hominids to passively-active compatriots is if they themselves believe these lies to be true wholeheartedly. The best kind of liar is one who believes his lies to be true.

Civilization is an altruistic scheme set up for selfish propagation. If you have any doubts about this, just try to keep track of the nepotism prevalent in business, politics and art.

Your fundamental living unit, the genetic code, desires one thing only and that is mindless self-propagation. The forefathers found a way to create a favorable environment for future well-being of their seeds and that was through manufacturing fear throughout their immediate surroundings about impending doom from a watchful, grey-haired, bearded and all knowing Father. This idea, or meme proved beneficial for families everywhere and for selfish needs, altruism began to spread among the population, but this was built up on a foundation of lies.

And this is why the world, and civilizations in it doesn't make sense by it's apathy towards the unfortunate and disadvantaged.


Relevance hunter

Hominids began as hunter-gatherer groups. The modern hominids lack the need for utilising this skill for obtaining food and hence use it for gathering purpose. An easy mode to get this done is by aligning themselves with a meme that has stood the test of time. Religion is an ancient meme that has continuously been used to this purpose.

In order to find a relevance for their existence, this handbook for existence is held close to their chest and anyone who questions this purpose is shot down, sometimes in the literal sense. Existence is a fickle concept and try as they may to assign a rock-solid foundation to it everything just falls apart at the seam. Religious canon is just an edition of 'Existence for Dummies'. Everything is spoon-fed and there is little room for exploration.


Mind-Heart Dichotomy

The constant differentiation between decisions that are artificially given an origin in a human heart as opposed to its actual birthplace, the brain, which of course is an unwanted ambiguation of cognitive functions. All your decisions built from a foundation of wants, desires and primal instincts originate from the brain and nowhere else. Wilful falsification of this is a convenient method of disassociating decision making from yourself, or the true you.

Which is the true you?

There are like a million voices inside of you. But it's all chemicals. Chemical reactions of varying concentrations, which is what human beings are really. There are all kinds and types of individuals making up a population with absolutely different abilities varying widely across a spectrum. As the adage goes, if you're good at something, there's someone out there who is better at it than you. This change in performance is brought about by fine tuning chemical processes happening under your skin through incessantly repetitive practice.

A privileged individual has the luxury and facility for more practice as opposed to an individual who is more concerned with basic survival requirements such as food, or shelter. The spectrum gets skewed in this way. Chemicals in the affluent carrier are thus in an abundantly fertile environment favouring nourishment and inculcation while his/her counterpart will be found wanting and malnourished. A problem with being a human is that you're aware of your existence as well as your compatriots'. But the affluent's disassociation from concerning themselves with others down this ladder of welfare can be traced down to rationalising their actions by clinging onto Darwin's principle: survival of the fittest.

The truth is that we don't have the fittest human on the planet as of yet. We have weak individuals aided by luck at the apex, in this era of human evolution.

To summarise, decisions of care-giving and love, as well as decisions involving strategy has its roots inside the mind and nowhere else. This process of compartmentalising welfare and monetary gain is an artificially created environment for the single purpose of subjugation and management of fellow humans.


Blue Biblical Blood

Darren Aronofsky, known for his offbeat and disturbing portrayal of broken characters in his films, has adapted one of the most important biblical stories from the Old Testament. This one's got Aronofsky's signature all over it and makes the viewer squirm which is just what is required of art.

I'll try to give a point by point summary of how this ancient myth has been re-imagined.

1. Subtle God
Unlike the booming voiceover for God portrayed in preceding feature representations of Biblical accounts, this one has a silent God who communicates with Noah through dreams. The interaction is much more personal unlike a scenario where anyone could walk-in to a conversation being held between them.

2. Noah's misunderstanding
Since there is no direct communication, Noah is under the impression that God desires the death of all humans, including Noah's family. He pledges to carry out this supposed instruction no matter what, which of course propels him to warn the impending murder of any girl child born to his daughter-in-law. This was a masterstroke, especially when it comes to Indian viewing audiences because female infanticide is an unspoken rule of family planning in our part of the world.

3. Methuselah
This is just an honorary mention of Noah's grandfather, portrayed by Anthony Hopkins because he immediately made the viewer value this character which wasn't an important part of the original biblical account.

The title of this post doesn't pertain to anything in those preceding paragraphs of course. One major fact that is persistently troubling concerns the matter of how human species propagated following this Great Flood. How did this single blue blooded family give rise to a varied species of homosapiens? How did they even give birth to a single species through interbreeding without accumulating physical defects leading to annihilation of the entire species? The answers you get for this are the usual empty statements proclaiming how the Creator works in mysterious ways, or the pure DNA of this first family of humanity. This is of course pure nonsense.

Lies built upon lies to create an interesting survival story instead of just boring existence.


Interesting lies & boring truth

As the election season approaches, what strikes me is the futility of this entire exercise. Is it that people desire to be wooed by false pretenses because they themselves are too limp to take matters in to their hands?

Or is it that after putting up a 'leader' in power, then only they get to wile away their time incoherently debating his rights and wrongs?

I happened to come across the candidate list for Kerala and a skewed gender ratio among them is obviously inherent and accepted as the norm. Well, this isn't much of a surprise and shouldn't be made out to be a malady. With the threat of being labelled masochistic, women are cribbers and I wish they put up more effort in toppling gender injustice rather than complaining and awaiting privilege handouts.

The people want to be lied to, because after all there is nothing sexy about the truth. Truth has no glamour. Facts are boring while lies fill you with lust for a life that isn't there.

From the day you're born, you're managed, or shepherded. Freedom is the carrot dangled, with survival as an after-thought. The disabled and the disadvantaged have the absolute freedom to die alone. Human genome greatly helps in creating selfish, disassociated entities with the sole objective of self-propagation.

A long time ago, as I stood witness, one of my friends was narrating an incident from the previous day to another friend of mine. He unabashedly added on flurries of lies and half-truths to convert boring real facts into sexy half-truths and in some instances to lies. After a while, I questioned the authenticity of the narration as I was a witness to the previous day's events as well, to which the reply indubitably was, what is so interesting and fun about speaking the truth? 


Interstellar ramblings

I had one of those starry nightmares again. This time Earth started floating out into space, or maybe to another region of the Milky Way galaxy. The constellation visible in the night sky remained the same for a few days but before long it invariably morphed into a brand new spectacle filled with nebulae and dust and gas.

The whole experience was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. Maybe this is what erotic asphyxiation feels like.

Incidentally, scientists have discovered a free floating planemos, which is what a starless planet is called, only 80 light years away from Earth. To make matters more interesting, this cosmic entity is pegged to be six times more massive than the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter.

Scientists discovered this rogue planet while poring over data pertaining to stars. Well, then what tips the data in favour of a rogue planet than a brown dwarf? The redshift data is more redder than any brown dwarf which points toward the conclusion of this object being a planet. There is no tell-tale sign of how this planet came to be a rogue. Read more here.

Free-floating planet PSO J318.5-22, in the constellation of Capricornus. 

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