

Nope, not the grinding that you find amongst supposed dancers in night clubs that are a testimony of human progress. We're talking about the daily drudge, or means of subsistence. Seven million humans inhabit the 3rd rock from the Sun. Such a vast number implies the wide variety of individuals present at one time on a floating rock in space. Astronomical numbers such as this are meaningless though when every born individual is put into a quotidian box and mentally conditioned from an impressionable age . The architects of human civilization are terrifyingly oblivious of existent immense variation in individual traits. An appropriate analogy would be considering a scenario in which different animals with varying skills are all evaluated on their ability to fulfil a predetermined common task. The task in question has been determined in advance and all the following generations are expected to fulfil the task no matter what changes may occur in environmental parameters and also being inconsiderate of intrinsic conditions prevailing in an individual.

Freedom is an imaginary concept that's dangled in front of a subjugated population much like a carrot in front of a donkey, sustaining motion in a fractured turning wheel. When you consider the fact that there are legal consequences to every one of your actions, life is moving forward under a police baton that works on arbitrary principles on it's own. It does not matter how much so ever progress that can be attained. All of it is rendered absolutely useless when accomplished under an atmosphere of police enforcement. Civilization in it's true and productive nature can only flourish when individual units of a population absorb and acknowledge impacts of their actions surrendering  themselves entirely, completely and utterly to free will. The present porpaganda of free will as well as freedom which is publicized by your Government, or the Church is a fallacy. They desire nothing less than complete and thorough obedience.

Evidences of polity and clergy dealing with dissent can be found strewn about every corner and turn in history. The present uprising in North-Eastern states of India is an example of this. Spiritual thought imprinters or conditioners used to latch on to the general psyche of a population but now have their work reduced with officers in general polity gradually but definitely garnering a similar clout of power. The present economic foundation of our civilization sustains itself on exploitation of one section of the human population by another.

What we should aim for is absolute freedom.

Freedom from conditioning.
Freedom from religion.
Freedom from subjugation.
And unconditional freedom from this infinite drudge of cosmic ignorance.

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