TATA and L&T are partnering each other to kill off the Olive Ridleys forever :(. The reason being the construction of a major port at Dhamra which is dangerously close to the mass nesting site of the Olive Ridley turtles. These mellow international guests return back to their beach-of-birth to mate and lay eggs thus bringing forth the next generation of cool Olive Ridleys.
TATA's products have always been welcomed whole-heartedly by the average Indian and is in fact awaiting with bated breath for the launch of TATA Nano which is all set to revolutionize Indian private motor transport. All that set aside, isn't there anyone out there who can point out to the TATA's about the gross injustice that is going to be committed by them in constructing the port. The turtles have roamed this planet way way before you or I were conceived.
Consider this… Olive Ridley turtles rely on an inexplicable,in-built navigation system that guides them, when it’s time for them to reproduce, back to the precise coast on which they were born.
Now consider something else… The proposed Tata port at Dhamra threatens a nesting site that is amongst the last honeymoon suites for the remaining Olive Ridleys, a highly-endangered species that swims all the way here from places as far away as Australia and the Philippines.
Jaago re India...Join the Greenpeace Campaign to protect the habitat of the Olive Ridleys. Write to TATA using the provided form and let your voice be heard.
i wonder wether you really know whats hapening at the location.
1. There is no port vs turtle vs oriya people ....its people like you who create such conflict
2. The turtles have nested
and any urban chaos has been created by so called flag bearers of conservation who's primary objective is personal popularity
Don't make it sound like a boxing match.
Dhamra Port vs Olive ridley.
It might make headlines to make u popular but it damages the belief of a billion people.
@sustained: What has 'personal popularity' got anything to do with the issue? Yes, the turtles have nested but that doesn't mean all is well and fine. The construction has still not been halted for the Environment Impact Assessment.
The next time the turtles come to dharma they should discuss their travel plans with greenpeace otherwise they might have their foot in their mouth once again .
Watch this video someone sent it to me.
I hope all the companies involved with any kind of development work are careful about starting any project coz greenpeace might bring some theory into play which would be beneficial to promote their brand and try to create problems in the work in progress.
Greenpeace India is perhaps one of the greatest failures in the non-profit do-good spheres. Having almost nothing to brag about they keep on coming up with pointless initiatives that lack direction and force, both of which are essential for battling ‘the machine’.
The development phenomenon that Dharma Project holds is more significant in the rural areas as it can help eradicate the social evils like, unemployment, illiteracy, lack of medical help, poverty.
Therefore an organization as reputed as DPCL will never overlook a crucial aspect as the arribada of the Olive Ridley Turtles.
Being an Oriya, I completely believe in this organization as I have seen the developments happening there.
I request all you people who are supporting Greenpeace blindly, to at least check on the facts before going ahead and sensationalizing something NOT correct!
If this project was started a few years ago, a lot of families would not have migrated out of Orissa to other states in hope of a better life.
Tell me about it, I know loads of people who had migrated to other cities in sheer depression just to get two meals a day.
But thankfully most of the families are coming back because of the increased opportunities in their state.
Please have a look at these nesting pictures taken this year.
Dont know why their is so much fuss even though the turtles are nesting.
Yes, the turtles nested!
So what? The port hasn't been completely operationalized. Its not 10 years down the line yet. The ship traffic and the continuing dredging is sure to manipulate the ecology. Why not stop now, when its not too late? So that the EIA can be done once and for all.
A photogallery of the turtles nesting this season will not help your case.
I wonder wether Greenpeace is interested in updating themselves with whatever measures we are taking to help the Olive Ridleys. They seem to be more interested targeting the growth of our country economically.
Greenpeace did this, Greenpeace did that! OK. I'm all ears. Share what all has been done to protect the habitat. Maybe you've done everything except the Impact Assessment on the environment...eh?
anti-theta even i want to know how much greenpeace have updated themselves.
TATAs not going to jeopardies their project after progressing. They must have been aware of the whole nesting thing they started with their project. They have taken measures thats why nesting continued last year. So what is really the issue with Green peace. One wouldn't know because they refuse to negotiate either
There is more to the story than whats meet the eye. We cannot believe whatever Greenpeace is printing. We have to do more research and share so that we are able judge on our own. Instead of getting swayed by NGOs.
It should not be portrayed as "TATA Dhamra port vs. Olive Ridley turtles". Because if local people are interested with the project and when they are very much aware of the benefits of having endangered animals. More public awareness can help both to stay together.
All of you 'Anonymous' people and others keep talking in circles and don't have anything to say man. I ask you about what all steps were taken to protect the habitat and the response is another question.
Simple question this time, Why wasn't the construction(specifically dredging) ever stopped so that the environment impact study could happen? Scientists have expressed their opinion supporting this!
Anyone Who Lashes out at greenpeace should get their facts right first. How can u be so heartless?? this conversation just angers me.
"the turtles have nested" bleaahh! dhuh they have nested this year, (I was there to witness it.. and it changed my life) but what about the years to come?? after the 'Dharma' (if u please) port???!! Go read up on them to find out why this location is so important to them. and u really want to be responsible for their extinction.
If they could speak Im sure they would be abusing you'll and if they could fight they would kill you'll.. actually.. no they are far too peaceful for that. So kill them cos they can't do either right??
Just read news about record mass nesting of Olive Ridley Turtles in Gahrimatha beach of Orissa after a year of no nesting. Just check this out:
Sea turtles start laying eggs on Gahirmatha beach
Here’s a funny video I got from one of my friend:
Turtles are Back!
According to Greenpeace, Dhamra port project will directly affect the Olive Ridley turtles, their mating, nesting etc. however found this video worth sharing.
Greenpeace Lie - Olive Ridley Nesting Video at Gahirmatha Beach
Even after huge Greenpeace propaganda, turtles came back for nesting at Gahirmatha beach, which is located near Dhamra port project.
Like to share few more stories:
-- > Olive Ridley Turtles Begin Early Nesting in Orissa
-- > Olive Ridley turtles hatchlings emerge from sandy pits
I think Greenpeace problem lies here: "After all, Tata has grown from a national giant into an international player"
Have a look at http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=41645784174&topic=305078
Its says:
"It may be noted that IUCN and the MTSG (Marine Turtle Scientific Group) scientists working with the group have clearly stated that dredging operations for Dhamra does not and will not affect the Olive Ridley Turtles in Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary and its periphery area. For more details log on to - http://scienceoremotion.blogspot.com."
Science or emotion?!
Oh man...that blog is a total zombie. 28 comments with the exact same writing style. This is 2009, get with the program. You can't give out prize money for anyone who comments FOR your cause man!
Friggin hell...it's like I'm in the twilight zone.
And your blog name should be scienceoremotionormoney.blogspot.com.
Nice post. Keep up the good work.
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“Greenpeace has been variously criticized for being too radical, too alarmist, or too mainstream, for using methods bordering on eco-terrorism, for having itself caused environmental damage in its activities, for taking positions which are not environmentally or economically sound, and for valuing non-human causes over human causes. These criticisms have been made by governments, industrial and political lobbyists and other environmental groups.”
Greenpeace Lies About Apple
Greenpeace Lies About Dhamra Port
Is that like Greenpeace always targets big corporate giant to keep them under pressure and earn money from them ultimately?
I wonder why a non-governmental organization for the protection and conservation of the environment do not like to protect the human beings. I have found in few countries innocent & poor people require protections, importance more than animals.
Why they have been kept ignored and leave behind by this type of so called good organizations.
Light and lighting are crucial for any industrial project, both during construction and the operational phase. IUCN lighting experts and DPCL are also taking care of implementing lighting safeguards, which would also be turtle safe lighting and would be low pressure sodium vapor lights which have been proven by research to be the least disorienting to turtle hatchlings.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=296928&id=168851070709
"Expressing anguish over the Green Peace movement's single point agenda on stopping work on Dhamra Port project in Orissa, Tata Steel Chairman Ratan Tata reiterated that the company would in no way take up any project hazardous to Olive Ridley Turtles"
Mr Ratan Tata Chairman of TATA Steel to Greenpeace activists: "I invite you for a discussion and a visit to the port site in Dhamra."
Tata proved that Tata was always willing to have a best solution for country's industrial & economical development and they were always ready for solutions.
Greenpeace, the professed global environment campaign organization, in an instance of unmatched brazenness, falsified the report prepared by North Orissa University on Biodiversity Assessment of Dhamra Estuary. As a result, a group of forty MPs wrote to the Ministry Of Environment and Forests to call on the bluff of Greenpeace. The Orissa Govt. therefore initiated action against Greenpeace proposing a ban on all its activities in the state.
However, after the 102nd Annual General Meeting of Tata Steel in Mumbai, Greenpeace unabashedly has started their tricks once again. This time it has managed to rope in Retd Admiral Ramdas and his wife Mrs. Lalita Ramdas on the issue of Dhamra port but as far as scientific reasoning goes, the issues raised are totally unfounded. We can just hope that the visit of the Ramdas’ to the site will help to stop meaningless agitations and clear the situation once and for all.
Tata Steel has always maintained a strong focus on environment sustainability and environment management in all its operations. We have seen that in the issues regarding the construction of a deep-sea port at Dhamra in Orissa, the Company has been forthcoming in sharing the concerns of activists and ever willing to implement practical means of mitigating any adverse impact of port construction on the marine eco-system in that area. The Company has held at least eight to nine sessions of meetings with Greenpeace and other environmental organizations in the matter of Dhamra Port. Tata Steel has made it abundantly clear that it is willing to have further discussions in order to alleviate any unnecessary doubts that the dissenters may yet nurture against the project.
Here is an outline of events as they happened till date.
The JV agreement with L&T to build a port at Dhamra was signed by Tata Steel in 2004. At the very onset, discussions were initiated with WWF- India, BNHS, Mr Kartik Shankar, Mr Bittu Sehagal and others.
The company was duly concerned with the objections raised by different environmental organizations and agreed not to begin construction work till a detailed study was complete. Responding wholeheartedly to the demands of activists, Tata Steel agreed for a proposal for a further study of the impact of the port on turtles and on the marine and island eco-system.
In 2005, BNHS and WWF-India, with an unprecedented suddenness, reversed their stand and refused to conduct the assessment study as they had promised. However, the organisations did not provide any reasons for their turncoat attitude.
In March 06, in an address to ED, Greenpeace India, the Chairman of TATA Sons made it clear that commitments were meant to be honoured at both ends. The Company had fulfilled their promise by withholding construction work for the proposed study, which never actually took off. The MD of Tata Steel also met Greenpeace officials in their Bangalore office.
In January 2008 a meeting was subsequently conducted between Greenpeace and Tata Steel and a list of concerns was presented by Greenpeace with regard to Dhamra Port. DPCL on 8th March 2008, gave a detailed and comprehensive explanation to all the points raised by Greenpeace. Subsequent objections were allayed on 3rd May 2008.
Further on 23rd October 2008, MD, Tata Steel along with senior executives of Tata Steel, L&T and DPCL met Greenpeace, BNHS, WPSI, Wild Society of Orissa, Sanctuary Asia and other environmental organizations to discuss the concerns and the way forward on the subject with regard to Dhamra Port.
A team of Company Executives and environment experts visited Bhitarakanika National Park, Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary and the Dhamra Port site on February 2009, supervising the ongoing dredging operations.
On fourth meeting on 20th Feb 2009 in Kolkata, Tata Steel, L&T and DPCL agreed to conduct the additional biological impact assessment in close collaboration with NGOs’ of environmental organizations team led by a mutually agreed upon Scientists team. However the NGOs’ in a further instance of unreasonableness, insisted upon complete cessation of on-going dredging operation of Dhamra Port even before the commencement of study. However DPCL, Tata Steel and L&T team showed it preparedness to adjust the schedule of works including dredging to facilitate the study after due recommendation by the Scientists team.
The 102nd AGM of Tata Steel had been attended by a number of Greenpeace activists who happen to be shareholders of the Company as well. The AGM highlighted Tata Steel’s interests in further conference with Greenpeace in the matter of the port in addition to an invitation to activists to visit the port site yet again.
From the sequence of events, it is absolutely clear that the only thing that Greenpeace wants is to prolong the situation of deadlock in the matter of Dhamra Port. Perhaps, due to a lack of other valid issues on their agenda, Greenpeace is carrying on with a stance of stiffness, lest they have to give in to valid scientific reasoning. The only deduction that may be drawn from Greenpeace’s lack of willingness in discussion is that they have lost their own conviction long before and fear that they will have to admit it as such in an open forum. It is indeed a very sorry state of affairs in which progress is kept at stake and the environment is being used as a pawn by people who profess themselves to be friends of the environment.
Some shareholders of Tata Steel brought up the concerns raised by Greenpeace about the impact of the Dhamra Port on the nesting habitat of Olive Ridley Turtles at Tata Steel’s 102nd AGM in Mumbai on the 27th August’09 and requested the Chairman of Tata Steel, Mr Ratan Tata, to discuss the Dhamra Port issue with them.
Mr Tata responded immediately to their concerns and said that my invitation is “ to you Admiral Ramdas” and anybody else who would be interested and Mr Muthuraman would make the arrangements for you all to take the time to satisfy yourselves in terms of what we are doing.
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